Shiatsu can benefit certain illnesses and conditions like backache, neck pain, arthritic pains, kidney stone, injuries from sports, frozen shoulder, headache... Shiatsu helps prevent injuries and motion limitations. Shiatsu detoxifies, activates cells and supports the immune system. Shiatsu balances an autonomic nerve system, builds a strong body to manage stress.
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Society of
Authorized Institutes in Canada 
Shiatsu Institutes International
Shiatsu Educational Standard
The 2000-hour Standard Cubiculum

Authorized Institutes on Canada

1. Vancouver, British Columbia
Canadian College of Shiatsu Therapy
142 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver, BC Canada V7M2E8
Tel: (604)904-4187
Fax: (604)904-4183

2. Toronto, Ontario
Shiatsu Academy of Tokyo
826 Broadview Ave. Toronto ON Canada
Tel: (416)406-4111
Fax: (416)466-8719
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Shiatsu Institutes International

Japan Shiatsu College
2-15-6, Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 112-0002
Tel: 81-3-3813-7354
Fax: 81-3-3816-3551

Aisen Shiatsu School
Suite 601 & 602, Interstate Bldg,
1314 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814
Tel: 808-596-7354
Fax: 808-593-8282

Taiwan Shiatsu School
9F, No.28, Chen Kung Rd, Sec.5 Nai Hu Dis, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 02-2760-1006, 02-2795-5917
Fax: 02-2768-8515

Scuola Italiana Shiatsu
9 9-00196 Rome Italy
Tel: 39-06-3201908

Centro De Shiatsu
Juan Hurtado de Mendoza, 9 1,107. Escal. B-28036 Madrid
Tel: 91345 36 99
Fax: 91359 87 56

Escuela Argentina de Shiatsu
Av. Libertador 4602 Piso 2 -(1426) Cap. Fed.
Tel: 54-11-4722-1117

Shiatsu Academy
54 Brighton Road, Balaclava Vic. 3183
Tel: 03-9525-7968

Fax: 03-9525-7968

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Shiatsu Educational Standard

The CSSBC has set an educational standard curriculum for Shiatsu Therapy for professional certification in Canada at a total of 2000 hours.  This is the federal standard curriculum for Shiatsu Therapy in Canada.  The designation, "Registered Shiatsupractor" is awarded to the members who meet the minimum requirements of the CSSBC and practice in accordance with the CSSBC's Code of Ethics.  Because health care providers must have knowledge of medical foundations, the 2000 hours of education must contain a minimum of 500 hours of Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology.  Representative Shiatsu organizations in Canada, including the CSSBC, set the 2000 hour curriculum as the minimum educational standard for Shiatsu Therapy.  The following are guidelines for inclusion in the 2000 hour curriculum:

  • Shiatsu Foundation
  • Advanced Shiatsu
  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Kinesiology
  • Pathology
  • Clinical experience
  • Ethics and Professionalism
  • Business Management
  • First Aid and CPR

 *must be spent more than 66% as Instructed Study or Supervised Training.

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The 2000-hour Standard Culiculum

1. Compulsory Section - 1600 hours

I. SHIATSU - 1000 hours

A. Basic Shiatsu / Shiatsu foundation
 i) Shiatsu Theory & Practice

B. Advanced Shiatsu
 i) Treating specific pathological conditions
ii) Derivative Shiatsu techniques & theories(optional)

C. Clinical experience

D. Others


A. Anatomy

B. Physiology

C. Pathology

D. Kinesiology

III. OTHERS- 100 hours

A. Ethics and professionalism

B. First aid & CPR

C. Medical Law

D. Contraindications

2. Optional Section - 400 hours

A. Nutrition

B. Hygiene

C. Psychology

D. Kampo Medicine (TCM)

E. Japanese coulture

F. Business management

G. Professional development

H. Others

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